Monday, June 9, 2014

End of a Good Thing

So things have changed around here, again.  Erica has moved on to other things suddenly and it all happened the week before heading out to the show.  I'd been riding Piper 5 days a week to make sure she was ready but Erica was dropping off noticeably.  Its fine, but the last minuteness meant I was left scrambling a bit.

I'd already paid for the show.  I wasn't sure I could jump the bouncing pony over Beginner Novice things considering I'd never really jumped her.  Ever.  Figuring it out the week of the event seemed like poor planning.  Robbie at Meadowcreek was exceedingly nice and swapped Katy for Piper and BN for GAG so I knew I could survive the show and possibly even enjoy myself.  So with 2 days to prep and a horse that hadn't been ridden in 2 weeks, I hopped on her and tried out the dressage test.  We did okish and my brain seemed to grasp the new test decently well.  I gave Katy the Friday off and we loaded everything up Saturday morning to head out.

So yeah, I'm riderless which is fine.  I hadn't realized how little I was riding and therefore how much my brain was freaking out about riding all the horses once again.  Its so nice to have someone else ride and you can tell them what to do a la puppeteer to figure things out.  I've never had that before, so it was a bit addicting as its easy to doubt what you're feeling when you ride alone.

I will admit this is making me reprioritize things (granted that I should have pushed myself to do sooner), but that's not a bad thing I've decided.  So while I enjoyed having another horse person around, I once again have been reminded its really my path, my journey and I need to shape my focus around that and keep at it.

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