Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Nigel: Round Pen and a Possible Issue

So it looks as though we've got something of a break in the rain (I doubt it'll last long), so I decided to take an opportunity to actually work Nigel OUT of his dry pasture now that the round pen isn't under water.  Its probably short lived, but we got out there and began the process.

Main things we worked on at this point were forwardness (not an issue derp) and then listening to me (more of an issue).  We did some simple turns in towards me when asked and rating his speed as he settled down.  He's an athletic bugger but also again, so smart and clever so I don't see any of his under saddle things being an issue.  Over all he's improved so much and is a million times easier than Arthur so its been fun to see him progress much faster in less time.

One thing that's becoming an issue though is his tying... I'm not sure what his backstory is with that, but he stays tied SOOO well for a short time but once he's done being tied, he's learned to untie himself.  And no, not in that adorable "I pulled the rope out hurr hurr" way.  This is a full on calculated battle with the rope where he ends up rearing up carefully and slashing out at the rope to get it to break.  He will even put his forelegs on the tree (see the picture) and use it as leverage to push against to break the rope.  We only worked on it this one time and yes, he ended up sawing the rope against the tree until it broke.  But then he just stood there and stared at me afterwards rather than running off or eating grass.  It was super dangerous and he's done it enough times in his past that its not even a concern of his, just something normal to do when he wants loose.  I'm going to have to think about how to handle this as its really, really dangerous for less experienced people of any sort.

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