Monday, April 20, 2015

Nigel: Higher Education

So across from the farm they're building an estate community.  They had put up this nice wood fence that I liked (ranch style) and this one morning the owner/developer was out there as I was heading out so I stopped to ask who put the fencing in.  He turns and is wearing a Rolex 3DE shirt from a few years ago.  We chat about things and he vaguely mentions a trainer that breaks in his high dollar jumper warmbloods and asks if I do my own training. I say yes and that's about it.  My brain however has decided to think about that.  Another trainer... hmmm.

On Monday I investigate this trainer and he... actually trains a lot like me.  He has great referals and works with a lot of the rescue groups in the area PLUS has OTTB experience and is breaking into top level jumpers after doing roping forever.  What?!?  So I'm thinking here's someone that can finish Nigel and Arthur for me and I can get going on them. I instantly feel good about this concept and call him.  We have a great chat and I'm sold on sending Nigel (the easier one, right?).  He can train him and I can show him in eventing or something.  Who knows...

So I need a coggins and some vaccines for Nigel.  Not a big deal so I decided to take him to the vet clinic (with Piper, see that story next!), but he's being an ass in the new trailer.  Plenty of room or something, but he's kicking the crap out of the thing and just being a jerk.  Luckily I have that +1 so Piper gets to ride in the front while Nigel abuses the back part.

Upon arrival, the trailer is rocking and rolling and people are freaking out.  I'm not amused.  I go to see Nigel (who is happy as a clam in the trailer with his ears happy and looking for me to let him out NOW) and let him out of the trailer after delivering Piper to her stall.  Nigel looks around like there's a party for him and we get to work.  Less than 10 minutes and he's a kitten again.  He's managed to ding his hind leg though in his kicking fits so I mention that and warn the helpers to sedate him or something cause he's going to be special today EVERYONE I come into contact with I tell this to.

He gets his leg bandaged and put into a stall.  I head over to my lab to work.  A few hours later I decide to walk over and check on things and see an exam room with teh door mostly closed and then my horses head.  Hanging low.  I'm like COOL! They decided to drug him.  But no.  They did that AFTER they shoved him in the stocks, tied him up short when he tried to move and he then proceeded to leap out SIDEWAYS and climb all sorts of out on the stocks.  Busted lip, bleeding nose, stifle to coronary band is scraped to hell and I'm shaking.  The vet was shaking.  The rest of the morning was tense but we had to test his joint for injury, nerve blocks out the wazoo, a billion staples, lots of wrapping, lots of everything, radiographs, you name it.  Naturally he stands quietly in his stall but whatever.  We get it all worked out and he needs daily treatment for the next two weeks.  Lots and lots of drama going down this day.


Not make more work for me.

Ugh.  So I call the trainer who agrees to do the rehab and start working on what he can.  We load Nigel up and take him over that afternoon.  Fingers crossed this all works out and he's not permanently scarred but its looking like he might be stuck with me for a while.  *sigh

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