Friday, April 24, 2015

Sorting Things Out Part 1

So this new found financial freedom has been for the most part nice.  OK, more than nice but my brain can't adequately process things STILL so we're going with nice.  Its better than paralyzing, overwhelming, and other similar adjectives I've dealt with in the past few months.  We've spent a lot of money but its almost all on logic investment things and paying off debt.  The house is getting a million small things updated/replaced, gear for the horses is getting added to and replaced, vehicles are getting maintenance or replaced and sold.  A lot is happening and it leaves me exhausted but I feel like everything is the right choice to this point.

Now we're getting into the "other" category of what to do with the money.

I need to invest my money.  Or I need to figure out a smart thing to do with it.  I want MORE money so if I can use THIS money to make MORE money then that's even better.  I can't do stocks right now because I would obsess over them every day and my moods would shift with them.  Not ready for that yet.

The number of horses I have is a sticking point and realistically, Arthur and Nigel need to go (yes, I said Nigel) and I can use that money to put into something else.  A barn or something.  Although a barn needs to be cleaned and I'm not excited about that just yet.  More work?  No thanks!

But IF I sold Nigel and Arthur what would I buy?  I decide to go to fairy land and look at horses.  Normally this price range is $2500-5000 for me.  So I shop online and find the usual assortment of things that don't do it for me.  So what does it for me?  A nice eventer I suppose?  Well, not exactly.  I've learned a lot about myself lately and one thing that's been bothering me since the AECs is how "scary" eventing really is above Prelim level.  Do I want to only do lower level things?  Well, if I had the right horse probably not. Nigel is wicked smart and athletic so he really really needs to go where someone will use him that way and I don't believe that's me right now.  Reining would make my life a lot easier but I'm not sure... so I shop for a reiner and I look at videos of reining again.  No.  I can't do that full time.  What else then?  I need something to click and I'm not sure what it is, so I'm just spending my days looking for... something.  There's no urgency and I feel confident about myself for a change so I know the answer is out there for what I should do sport wise, training wise, current horse wise and so on...

I have my cute colt that has everything going for him except spots (or being a filly) but I'm not really thinking about him at this point.  I need some small amount of direction and then it occurs to me:  Dressage.  I can do that.  I like that.  It lets me obsess about things and perfect everything to the tiniest degree. Its theoretically safer than flinging yourself over huge things and getting to the upper levels is totally within my body and skill set (with some work of course).  Yes, this sounds like a life I can lead.  Nice fancy horses, things in black and white, groomed arenas, you know... this sounds alright!  OK, a sport has been decided on...

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