Monday, July 7, 2014

Work It Out!

I hate the gym.  Like, seriously hate the gym.  Its so boring, its so gross, its so ugh!  I also hate running and most forms of boring exercise.  Why can't horses involve more cardio?  Well, at least cardio that doesn't invole a horse trying to kill you/itself and therefore getting your heart rate up.

Due to the issues that I had at Meadowcreek, it was impossible to ignore the fact that my bum needed to be a bit smaller, my heart a bit stronger, and just get myself fit.  Sadness, but it is what it is.

So since hubby loves the gym (weirdo) but never manages to go due to me?  I made it a "family" thing and set new rules:  Monday-Wednesday was gym time.  We'd take Pierce and make him sit in a chair and play games while we worked out.  Husband whined about some logistic things but I was prepared so we began the horrible, terrible, no good workouts.

Luckily the new stair stepper/elliptical thing isn't so bad and every machine has a television on it so I guess I can function for the short time I need to do this torture.


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