Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Edison: Heya!

Edison and Piper are still at Granada Farms with my decision to rebreed her.  Its been nice having them in a stall rather than my open pasture and I'm totally enjoying being able to just show up and mess with them.  Piper could care less, but Edison is doing well when I visit.  I try to make it out there 2-3 times a week to show him humans are fun but its been hard with, what else? the weather and my other things.

We tried to just put a halter on him since I'm not entirely clear on how to handle all that but figured it couldn't hurt.  Schiller has some things about foals, but it talks about laying them down and while I can totally see the value, Edison's legs look awfully breakable and I'm not sure I'm confident enough to attempt it without stumbling and falling all over him myself.

So we tried the halter and he ended up balking into me, bucking, me hanging on, and hitting the ground anyhow.  Yay laying down now?  I drag myself off him and proceed to take advantage of the situation by rubbing him all over, putting the halter on and off and so on.

Apparently I'm not going to break him, but I'm going to have to debate how to handle all of his body WHILE trying to lay him down.  This seems daunting since the little guy is up to my waist at this time.

We'll get it sorted out though.  Someday.

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